Events of the International Center for Networked, Adaptive Production

  • Fraunhofer-Forum Berlin / July 01, 2025 - July 02, 2025

    Summer Meeting 2025 – Berlin

    For this year's Summer Meeting, join us at the prestigious Fraunhofer-Forum, located in the heart of our capital city Berlin! Further details regarding the event's schedule and participation will be communicated soon.

    more info
  • Teams / September 24, 2025 - September 25, 2025

    Autumn Meeting 2025

    At the Autumn Meeting we give our community members an exclusive insight into our activities throughout the year. The meeting will be held online and is open to community members only.

    more info

Last Events



7th Annual Meeting

At our 7th Annual Meeting at the INC Invention Center in Aachen, our community partners from Japan, Italy and Germany shared study results, discussed improvements and voted on five new projects for 2025, culminating in an unforgettable visit to the Aachen Christmas Market.


Follow the link to our LinkedIn profile for more information about the past Annual Meeting and the five selected studies!



Open Industry Day 2024

On this day, interested parties were able to visit our machine halls and laboratories and experience exciting advances in artificial intelligence, digital twins and 5G that are helping to shape the future.

Follow the link for further details about this event!


Milestone Meeting - Autumn

Our annual Autumn Meeting showcased the third milestone presentations on the five studies of 2024. Online and over two days, ICNAP members have been exploring exclusive insights of the International Centers' activities throughout the year that refer to the topics of production digitalization. 

Beside the studies, we also had the chance to attend the presentation of Denys Plakhotnik from ModuleWorks on the “Evolution of CAM Systems towards Digital Twin Paradigm." Thank you for the insights!



Congratulations to all winnerteams!

This year's ICNAP Hackathon welcomed students working on one of the following tasks from MTU Aero Engines and Schaeffler:

  • AI-based recognition of workers and AGV to increase occupational safety
  • Voice-controlled robot arm for a smart warehouse
  • Real-time monitoring of 3D printing processes


Summer Meeting

This year we had the pleasure of holding our annual Summer Meeting with our valued partner in Italy, MBDA, in the beautiful city of Naples. The event included not only presentations of our five current studies, but also a series of workshops that provided valuable insights to the participants. Exciting presentations were also given by our members


Spring Meeting

Our Spring Meeting, two days full of online activities for our community members. The event was filled with inspiring keynotes from a total of four speakers. The topics ranged from IoT to edge-to-cloud architectures and 5G.  

Exciting discussions and updates on our five current studies were also part of the Spring Meeting.


Study Kick-Off Meeting

Our two-day kick-off this week set the stage for an eventful year of research. Inspiring discussions, insightful feedback, and a shared commitment to making the most of the upcoming 5 new studies.

The topics of the studies cover a wide range: from AI to IT security, digital twin and dark factory. Promising results are expected!


Sixth Annual Meeting of the ICNAP Community

At the last Annual Meeting of our ICNAP community we had exciting workshops around the topic of Industry 4.0 and concluded the five annual studies of that year. The whole ICNAP community met in Aachen to be immersed in a wide spectrum of cutting-edge topics in digitalization. Highlights were the keynote speeches from Stefan Hoppe, President and Executive Director of the OPC Foundation, and Yves Paindaveine, standardization expert from the Eruopean Commission. 


Digital Twin & Articifial Intellegence Workshops


On November 15th, we held two workshops relating to current ICNAP studies at Georg Fischer Machining Solutions in Biel. First, André Gilerson lead a workshop on the topic of "The Digital Twin Demonstrator - Bringing the Concept to Life". In our second workshop, Jan Hendrik Hellmich explored the topic "Industrialization of Aritifical Intelligence in Production". These two interactive workshops provided great insights into the work done in both studies over the past year.


Second Milestone Meeting - Summer Meeting

The second Milestone Meeting was hosted in Munich by our partner MTU on the 20th and 21st of June. Here, community members enjoyed unique agenda items, such as an exlusive tour of the MTU museum. The two days were packed with presentations on the interim results of our current research projects and engaging discussions.



Over two days we attended this year's AWK (Aachener Werkzeugmaschinen Kolloqium). Those days were filled with insightful presentations, talks, and valuable opportunities to meet and interact with top-class experts from across the industry.

Empower Green Production - that was the topic of this year's AWK and that is also the key topic we want to focus on together in our community by jointly pushing forward digitalization in production. 



We had a fantastic weekendat our annual ICNAP Hackathon!

Motivated student teams worked all weekend on three challenging tasks from ICNAP industry partners MTU Aero Engines, IconPro - A.I. Solutions and Philips Engineering Solutions. Topics included using AI to classify good and bad parts as well as synthetic data generation.

Congratulations to all the winners!