Our Topics

Sensor Systems and Data Acquisition

How is data colected along the entire process chain?

Data acquisition is the first step on the way to networked, adaptive production. It is vital to establish which data can be recorded directly in the control unit of the production machine concerned and which can only be obtained via additional sensors. When additional sensors are required to measure parameters such as temperature, speed, or pressure for example, these must be integrated robustly and reliably within the manufacturing process.

Interfaces and Connectivity

How do the key players involved and systems communicate with one another during the production process?

When the production data are reliably recorded, a suitable communications protocol such as MQTT or OPC-UA is selected, and the decision is made as to whether communication should be via wired or wireless connection. The ICNAP partners are examining the data transfer requirements in terms of data throughput and latency for the production process at hand and can already issue recommendations at this point.

Data Synchronization and Middleware

How is raw data time-synchronized and enriched with information?

Once communication within the production process has been established, it is essential to determine how to standardize procedures for filing data from various sources and at various recording frequencies. The quality of the different sources and the required level of data accuracy also are defined to ensure accurate comparison and evaluation of analysis results within the networked production environment.

Data Modelling and Data Analytics

How are the relevant data selected and what methods are used to obtain information from that data?

To provide even better support to staff working in manufacturing companies, from production planners through quality managers to machine operators, whenever they must make decisions, it is vital to define which process chain data specifically are relevant to them. This is achieved by modelling the actual process digitally based on the obtained data. Information can be generated from the data underpinning the structure of process knowledge using suitable data analytics methods in the form of machine-learning algorithms or correlation analyses.

Digital Twin in the Product Life Cycle

How is information and know-how at different stages in the product life cycle brought together digitally and visualized?

To provide even better support to staff working in manufacturing companies, from production planners through quality managers to machine operators, whenever they must make decisions, it is vital to define which process chain data specifically are relevant to them. This is achieved by modelling the actual process digitally based on the obtained data. Information can be generated from the data underpinning the structure of process knowledge using suitable data analytics methods in the form of machine-learning algorithms or correlation analyses.

IT Architectures and Cybersecurity

How is the most suitable infrastructure selected and connected to the existing systems?  

The successful integration of digital tools in production requires an efficient IT architecture. For this purpose, ICNAP tests matching database and cloud systems for in-company or cross-company networks, while taking current safety standards, norms, and regulations into account.

Data Driven Business Models

How are digital business models developed and integrated within the traditional product and services portfolio?

Not only does networked, adaptive production improve production by making additional knowledge available, but it also opens the possibility of completely new forms of economic value added via extended or completely new physical processes and products. Digital and data driven business models can be developed, classified, and evaluated even for digital services such as machining-as-a-service or power-by-the-hour.

How can I become a member of ICNAP?

We are always looking for new members and therefore open for any contact. Become active and use the contact options to talk to us directly about joining the ICNAP community. We will be happy to enter into an exchange with you about concrete potentials for you and your company.

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In order to make value chains for the manufacture of complex and individualized products significantly more flexible and efficient than before, ICNAP is focusing its development work on research questions in seven thematic areas.